A different kind of normal
by Daphne Strassmann
Why it is important to ground your kids in the reality of divorce
When kids talk
It is awkward to have a polite conversation that
centers around divorce. "What do you do for a living?" is a question
we are used to answering well. Things are different when the topic of
divorce comes up. The person with whom you are speaking will probably
struggle to give you an appropriate response. There are probably some
Hallmark cards with the right wording for the divorce occassion. But
without the card in your hands a casual conversation about divorce can
be tricky to handle gracefully. An adult could replace awkwardness
with a sympathetic sentiment such as: "Geez, I am sorry to hear that!"
But what does a child say to another child when the topic is
Even though things will be different now, one
thing will stay the same
Both of us will always be your
parents, and both of us will always, always love you just as much as
— a Hallmark card
Imagine your child saying "my parents are
divorced" to a classmate. What kind of reaction will they get? Adults
can be more sophisticated and stumble, somewhat gracefully, through
these conversations. On the other hand, children of divorced parents
will elicit a completely different type of conversation.
You child might get questions from other kids
that sound like: What is divorce? or Is your dad still your dad? or Is
your mom going to divorce you too? How come your parents got a
divorce? Do you have to live in a different house? Is your dog coming
with you? Can I divorce my older brother? These kinds of questions can
be an overwhelming burden for a child when they are not prepared.
My daughter was confused about how her dad and I
would get a divorce. After all her parents had already been living
apart for a long time. She was five and rightfully perplexed by this
idea that someone has to make family matters "legal". Even for adults
it is a delicate concept to identify the exact moment when a
separation becomes a divorce. Is it when one of the spouses moves out?
Is it when one of the parents files for a divorce? Is it when you go
to court and the judge pronounces the marriage over? For children how
a parent experiences the separation is just one more piece of
information they need to understand for their own stories.
My stepdaughter so impressed with the prospect of
a new step family by her dad and I marrying, thought the only thing
missing was a step-dad. She figured the best way to get one and
complete the 'set' was to have my daughter's dad be her new
step-daddy. Life gives us head-smacking moments when we understand
something in an obvious way. It is difficult to have those moments
unless we make a concerted effort to check in with our kids and to
point out what might seem obvious to us. At times I had my divorced
parent radar out and pointed out to my daughter: "Look honey, Suzy's
parents are divorced also." Or, "Do you know if Jimmy is with his dad
or his mom this weekend?"
Children will be equipped to answer questions if
they own language or understanding of how their lives have changed due
to divorce. To children, what they experience is fact, what they see
or hear around them is what they will take in and maybe respond to
when prompted.
Misery loves company — Where do we sign up?
Nowadays being a parent can be daunting task and
divorce amplifies the responsibility. In most places of a divorced
parent's life something will have to be redefined and
reassessed. Ideas and beliefs about family, marriage and
responsibilities will be shaken at their core. Life, as we divorced
parents know very well, changes forever.
Divorced parents are a complicated entity. There
are many combinations of households with divorced families. Some
divorces result in businesslike arrangements in handling the
kids. Many divorces result in a friendly and effective parent
connection for the kids. Other divorces are an endless continuation of
a dysfunctional marriage litigiously arguing every step of the way. No
matter what type of relationship you have created with your ex, the
challenges are the same. We should want to be there for our
children. We should want to see them through their feelings and
changes. A parent going though a divorce battles with constant
push-pull keeping their emotions and perceptions in check, while doing
the same for our kids.
If we agree with statistics on divorce we should
believe that divorced parents are not alone. There is a an unconscious
comfort in knowing we are not isolated as we face the world and your
children face theirs. If divorce statistics are correct and our misery
has a lot of company then our children should be able to see their
experience reflected in many others around them. But how? How can the
label of a child who comes from a divorced family be normalized? How
do they experience a 'different kind of normal'?
My child has been going to school in our
community in both private and public institutions. I expected that the
50 plus percent divorce rate in the USA I keep hearing about would be
represented. Instead, what I saw looked more like 10% of any of her
classrooms. When I have asked parents or educators about why there
aren't more divorced families represented, some theorized that
economic reasons make some divorced parents go elsewhere in search of
more affordable housing. Other theories went that there were more
second marriages or families heading towards divorce in the classroom
mix. Regardless of what the true numbers are in your child's
environment, there are lessons to learn and gear to figure out.
A new lexicon to match the reality
No matter how much we hear about divorce we are
still at a loss of what language to use. In her book, The Good
Divorce, a book based on her longitudinal study of family
relationships after divorce, Constance Ahrons, PHD asserts the idea of
using healthy language in what she refers to as normal family. She
explains that language for families of divorce is clouded by negative
perceptions. She uses the term binuclear family. "A binuclear family
is any family that spans two households. Nuclear families have one
nucleus, one shared household. Binuclear families split into two
nuclei, two households, each headed by one parent. The family
continues to be a unit even though it shifts from a nuclear structure
to a binuclear one." Dr. Ahrons chose this term because, as she
explains, she "wanted to normalize the families of divorce by putting
them on the same par as nuclear families."
In my experience the vocabulary for kids, adults,
and educators doesnŐt always reflect an understanding of divorced
families. As parents we do the best we can and improvise the rest
using whatever resources we get our hands on. We buy the self help
books or talk to our therapists. Ultimately, we go out into society
and arm our kids to deal with their identities as well as we can, but
I believe we need to do more work to help us in this area.
When people do talk about divorce some are eager
to share their experiences, good and bad. I know a man who heard about
a new product designed for kids of divorced families. The product was
a backpack designed to help them transition easily from one home to
another. He thought this was a terrible idea because, in his words,
"it would remind the kid they came from a broken home." The only thing
I could imagine was: "Boy! You must have a horrible divorce story to
tell". This person had concentrated solely on the pain of their
divorce. Unfortunately that mindset skipped over the total picture,
the 'story' of a child's life. Children of divorce should not be
denied that part of their reality.
Of course, situations vary from case to
case. Children will experience divorce differently with age being a
factor. A child who was an infant or a toddler when a separation
occurred will have a different experience than a child who was old
enough to live the before and after of the divorce. Sooner or later
both of these children will observe the difference between their own
family unit and that of their peers. Our kids need the words and tools
to use when their life becomes a different kind of normal.
As the adults we need to shrink down to our
child's level and see how they are processing what they observe. How
is the divorce making sense to them? How are they explaining it to
others? What do they hear you say? A friend told me she was surprised
when her kids just 'assumed' she was divorced from their father
because they had been separated for so long. When she started talking
about the impending divorce to them, they were puzzled. These kids
had lived through the hardest part of a separation and at some point
separation and divorce became synonymous.
We need to find the right ways to help our
children through the process of divorced life. We need to pay
attention, not only with what they internalize, but how they express
themselves to their peers and the world around them.
I am sure there are plenty of people who might
disagree, and would be glad to tell me that I am promoting an
extremist view that perpetuates the demise of the family unit. I am
not advocating for normalizing divorce. I am advocating for
normalizing the experience once divorce has happened. Your child needs
to know that although they have two different homes, whatever sets
them apart from a two-parent household are things which are 'normal'
to their own situation. Within the intricacies of scheduling a kid's
life between two homes the problems aren't that different than those
in a non-divorced family. You might hear the same litanies from
parents urging their kids to hurry up, or go to bed or eat their
spinach and clean their rooms. The children's response will also be
familiarly consistent and the teenage eye-rolling might even look the
Call me optimistic if you want, but I truly
believe that most of us want to do the best possible job as
parents. There will always be circumstances impairing how well we do
our jobs and divorce will have blinding effects on a parent's
judgement. If you manage to squint a bit, take a look around you. Your
family is not alone in numbers; your newly defined family is not
unique and isolated. Your children have friends and peers who have
similar stories to tell. Your family is simply a different kind of
Daphne Strassmann is a re-married divorced parent.
She lives in Brookline, Massachusetts with her husband Steve. They have a new baby and share two children with other parents.