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We are delighted to hear you want to offer us your special expertise. The best way to do this is by sending us mail. If you want to give us feedback or lend your opinion to a topic at hand we will be glad to post those for you. If you have a question you can also email us. We will try to respond to those as quickly as we can. If you feel you have something to contribute and we can all benefit from just email us and answer the following questions.

  1. What is your name?
  2. Would you like us to omit your name if we post your contribution?
  3. What is the best way to contact you and follow up?
  4. Describe the topic you would like to discuss.

Any topic which helps other parents deal with divorce issues is helpful. It does not matter if the topic has been covered already by others on this site. Your insight or information may offer a completely different approach or point of view to our readers.

Please send email to contribute@divorcedparent.org. Thank you.

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